neutrale, zertifizierte Sachverständige
deutschlandweit zum Standardpreis
07531 1229388


Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen.

Im ersten Teil finden Sie den Demo- Protokolle in allen zur Verfügung stehenden Sprachen.
Im 2. Teil sind die FAQ in deutscher Sprache und
im 3. Teil finden Sie diese in englisch.

On this page you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

In the first part you will find the demo protocols in all available languages.
In the 2nd part you will find the FAQ in German and
in the 3rd part you will find them in English.

Questions about the process Bild

What happens after the order is placed? Bild

After placing the order on your part, the order is in waiting position on our platform until we can determine a receipt of payment for your order. Therefore, we need proof of payment from you as soon as possible. A simple screenshot is sufficient here, which you can send to us by e-mail, stating the order number.

After activation, your order will be forwarded to our disposition, from where it will be assigned to one of our local automotive experts. He or she will then promptly schedule a inspection appointment with the seller of your vehicle. At said appointment, whether these are indeed the appraisal conditions specified by you and the seller and note them in the protocol. The assessor will make an optimal assessment under the conditions prevailing on site.

After the inspection follows the preparation of the appraisal report. Please note that this process takes some time, as these are high quality appraisals, and therefore can not be provided immediately.